Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The cross and hoe

An RTJ subscriber wrote in about the February poster:
I have ordered the Stations of the Cross posters for my Sunday School program. I am working on activities to correlate with the poster. However, I do not understand the symbol that is used for the 5th Station. A hoe? Can you explain the relevance? Any help you can offer is appreciated.

Gwen Costello, who authors the monthly posters, replies:
In the gospels of Mark and Luke, Simon of Cyrene is referred to as "coming from the country," which has traditionally been interpreted as coming from the fields. The hoe is the symbol of his work in the fields. I'm sure there might be other symbols for Simon but I don't know of them personally. I hope your class enjoys the poster. My best wishes for some wonderful lenten lessons.
To order copies for your group or class, click here.

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