Friday, May 11, 2007

What would Jesus drink?

I'm a fan of Starbucks. It's not so much that I like paying $4.00 for a cup of coffee. It's my amazement at how many people, especially young people, seem to be hanging around all the time. Starbucks is good a creating a community gathering place. That didn't happen by accident. Starbucks CEO Jim Donald says it is part of their marketing psychology. Starbucks wants us to think of their coffee shops as a primary place in our lives.
We say the first place is home, second place is office, and then Starbucks is a third place. They use our stores for gathering spots, and we think that that that's what makes that whole experience what it is today.
Anyone see "church" on that list? Me either. What I wonder, every time I stand in line with people ordering "half-caf fraps" and "double shot lattes" is what can we learn from Starbucks to make our parishes as inviting, especially to young people.




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