Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Mystagogy is simply the process of reflecting on the depth and meaning of God's love.

I often encounter folks in ministry who are mystified by the word "mystagogy." "Mystagogy" is a big concept that sometimes leaves us flustered. But it doesn't have to be that complicated. Mystagogy is not a program that needs staffing and class schedules. It is a simple reflection on the mystery of God's love as we celebrate it. Without trivializing it too much, think of mystagogy as you might think of talking with a friend about a movie. Sometimes we don't really absorb the full impact of a movie until after we've talked about it. And if you're a movie buff, you really talk about it. You talk about the cinematography, the plot, the directing, and all the subtle symbolism throughout the film. And there are those powerfully deep movies that we might see several times because they reveal deeper and deeper meaning each time we see them.

Mystagogy is simply the process of exploring that same kind of depth of meaning throughout the celebration of the liturgical year. What happened in the liturgy? How did it happen? What does it mean for my life this week? Mystagogy can be that simple.


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