Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Partnership with Boston College Ministry Institute

Today's Parish Minister has established an exciting new partnership with the Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry (IREPM) at Boston College. Dr. Thomas Groome and Dr. Jane Regan of the institute are going to be spearheading a training project for parish ministers that will take place every month in the pages of Today's Parish Minister. This regular four-page section will give a clear, pastoral, theological underpinning to the content of each issue of the magazine. This will provide some important training and background for many parish ministers across the country.

The first topic, written by Tom Groome himself, deals with Catholic Identity. He discusses how our core beliefs affect our day to day ministry and how knowing our beliefs enlivens our spirituality.

Parishes can use these pages as effective training material with parish councils, volunteer ministers, or updating for lay ecclesial ministers. Pastors will find a lot of help here getting the whole parish on the same page about church teaching. Don't miss the first installment in September 2006.


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